The 5 best reasons to hire a Personal Trainer: No major struggles needed.
If you're like most people, you probably think that in order to hire a personal trainer, you have to have major struggles with your fitness or weight. And while it's true that personal trainers can be extremely helpful for those who are struggling, they're also great for people who are already fit and just want to stay that way! In fact, there are a lot of reasons why hiring a personal trainer can be a great idea- even if you don't consider yourself "struggling." Keep reading to find out more!
Here are our 5 best reasons to hire a personal trainer in 2022.
1) What you’re doing isn’t working
This is the most common reason why someone considers a personal trainer. Whether you have been doing your current routine for a year, 3 months, or just starting out as a new years resolution, it’s always a good time to consider hiring a personal trainer when what you’re doing isn’t working. This problem can be due to a number of issues such as not being consistent with your workouts, not having a diet conducive to your goals, you start and stop often, injuries, etc. However you are struggling, a personal trainer’s job is to help you from where you’re at to where you want to go. You don’t have to be in any kind of shape or have any sort of knowledge. We have obtained all that to coach you through it.
If you’re like most people, you probably think personal training only involves someone standing over you watching you workout during particular times you agree upon. However, elite personal trainers are so much more. Read on.
2) It’s tough to stay consistent with your schedule
Consistency is a huge factor for any goal. Doing anything once won’t get you what you want. That is unless you want just one donut. That you can fix in an instant. However, for most, staying consistent with workouts and a diet plan is their main struggle. As creative beings we come up with all sorts of excuses to not do something, and a big one is not having the time to focus on your health or on yourself for that matter. The world has gotten so fast with new technology being invented at such a rapid pace that its hard to keep up with new demands. This technology is suppose to make things easier, but because things can get done faster, there is this idea of companies asking employees to “DO MORE”. On top of managing your career, you then have family time to worry about. It’s no wonder we think we don’t have the time to workout or make that healthy meal.
Consider a Personal trainer to take your health and fitness off your plate.
Allow us to write the workouts for specifically for you, so you don’t have to come up with them yourself or search for workouts online.
Allow us to manage this program, so it changes with your body’s demands and scheduling needs.
Allow us to give you nutrition tips or meal plans, so you don’t have to think too hard about what you need to be eating.
If this is you, consider hiring a personal trainer to take care of writing, managing and coaching you through a program designed just for you, so it’s one less thing off your plate. All you would need to do is set time aside to do the scheduled workout or task that day.
3) Improve Performance
Ever heard of the beginner’s effect, this happens when a beginner starts a new program and gets great results in the first few weeks, then results start tapering off and you plateau. This happens because our body has adapted to our current routine. Intermediate and advance gym goers know they can solve this by using a concept known as progressive overload. The idea here is to always be challenging your body with higher weights, more volume, or more intensity in your workouts. However, what if you’ve run out of ideas to keep progressing. You might consider a personal trainer to help you change up your routine, so you can keep that progress rolling. Different coaches have different perspectives and can help you see a weakness you never knew you had. Then help you solve that with a specific method of training you are not currently doing.
4) The big event
Another common reason to start working out more frequently and harder or starting a new diet plan is for a big event you want to look and feel your best at. I mean who doesn’t want to look an feel their best on a big day where the whole family and friends can notice you. If you’re not about the attention, just feeling and looking your best for yourself is a huge confidence booster. You can hire a personal trainer to help you for a specific period of time. Just like any other contractor for any other service. The idea here is to help you not waste any time between now and the big day. It’s well known that taking the right actions more consistently yields the right results. However, if you don’t know what the right are or not good at reverse engineering a goal and doing those things to achieve it. Allow us to help.
5) Obtaining a healthy lifestyle
For most, reasons 1-4 are enough, however, for some a living a healthy lifestyle becomes more important as we age. The older we get, our movements, the way we do things, the way we feel, how our body reacts all changes. Considering working with a personal trainer to learn how to adapt your routine as you age could be the smartest thing you’ve ever done with your money.
Hiring a personal trainer can be the smartest money move you could ever make. There are many benefits to hiring a professional fitness coach that will help motivate and push you in ways that you might not do on your own, especially if what you're doing now isn't working for you. We have been helping people from all walks of life reach their health goals since 2014 - so we know what works! If this sounds like something that would benefit your lifestyle but feels too daunting or complicated right now, just hit the link the GET MY FREE CONSULT CALL button below and let's chat about how we can help you get started with our free consultation process. You'll see why millions of Americans count on personal trainers for their dreams.
Why not you?