Water and Why the Type Matters to you
Water and Why the Type Matters to You
You go to the gas station on your summer road trip needing some hydration on a hot day. You walk down the aisle and notice eight different brands and probably choose based on either nice labeling or on price. What if you actually knew what to choose and why? Well here you go…
Spring water is what you want! This is water in its purest form and with the electrolytes and minerals your body needs to perform at your best. This will be found in brands like: Earth2O, FIJI, Icelandic, Crystal Geyser and others. The key is to look for the word spring.
Stay away from purified or artesian or basically anything other than spring. This is tap water chlorinated and filtered which in turn strips the water of its minerals and electrolytes your body needs. So resist the urge to buy Smart Water or Dasani and grab a FIJI or Crystal Geyser instead.
Our bodies love minerals ,also called total dissolved solids, as you will see on the water bottle labels. This helps our bodies perform at our highest levels, maintain balance and hydration. You are what you drink. You can make the choice to drink spring water and keep your mineral levels high or choose to drink purified tap water and strip your body of the minerals it needs to thrive. You get to choose.
Thank you for reading….for more information pick up a copy of SuperLife by Darin Olien. Why am I qualified to tell you this information? Hopefully my certification through Precision Nutrition and passion for nutrition will be enough to convince you what I may know what I am talking about. But read and explore for yourself!
Written By Greg Danese